Reasons to consume quality extra virgin olive oil. Reason 8

For pleasure.

The world of oil, like many, is a great unknown. Many producing countries have this “problem”. As we have always had oil at home, we have not given the importance that has been given to countries where the oil is not produced and it has not been so easy / economical to obtain it.

Like everything, learning is a question of curiosity, practice and in this case also of palate (ability to try and find certain nuances).

analisi sensorial

The best way to taste the oil is by itself, without any other food / element that distorts the taste and aromas of the extra virgin olive oil. Actually, you should try tasting glasses, but as usual in the houses there is no, you can taste it in a glass of wine or with a teaspoon. (To see how a professional tasting is done, you can see the blog post: Organoleptic evaluation)

It is important that at the beginning, above all, it is done by comparison. That is, VERY different oils (from different varieties, from different areas) For example: An Arbequina from the area of Valencia (Mediterranean) has nothing to do with an Arbequina from Lleida (interior). Nothing to do a Picual from Jaén with a Rojal from Tarragona.


The varieties also make the difference. And, as we have learned with wines, oil can be used to highlight aromas or flavors, or hide them. For exemple, if we have to make an ice cream or dress a fruit salad, we will look for a sweet and smooth oil. A green and intense oil would “kill” us the flavors of the fruit or it would take on an importance and presence that does not suit us in this dish. A good maridagemakes the difference!

And I also recommend that, at least once, you make a tasting with different types of oils (see post of different types of olive oils) , so you can really notice the differences, and especially notice and taste the fruity, which is the great differential that comes with extra virgin olive oil versus virgin or olive oil (it is not an agricultural product).

About tastes, we can not say anything, but knowing how to differentiate a good oil, from one that is not, besides a pleasure will save you more than one dislike; 0)


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