What is it and how do we use Arbequina Olicatessen olives?

Arbequina olives are the smallest olives, and for that reason alone they attract attention. R

The Arbequines, which will be used as table olives, are harvested green, during the autumn. The optimal time to harvest is when they change color: from pistachio green to purple. It is curious to see how, after the six months of maceration in a trullo with water and salt, the olives leave their bright colors (green / purple) to shine a bright ocher color.

It is a round olive and relatively not fleshy, it also makes up for this compensating aspect with the intensity of its characteristic taste.

Use in the kitchen – pairing:

  • Ideal as an aperitif
  • Add to green salads
  • They go very well with charcuterie and/or cheese boards.
  • To decorate and finish dishes (especially with vegetables)

Without top quality fruit, our oils would not be possible. The care we put into each olive is precisely what is enjoyed, without additives or vinaigrettes, in these natural arbequinas.

We harvest them green, during autumn, when their color changes from pistachio green to purple. After macerating for six months in water and salt, its tone transforms into a brilliant ochre. That’s when they have already acquired their intense and characteristic taste.

Bon Appetit!


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