The acidity of the oil

Whenever we do a tasting, ALWAYS comes up a question. What about acidity? Today, I found the magazine AOVES by Mercacei a simple and understandable description.

Acidity: laboratory parameter which measures the percentage of free fatty acids containing a sample of olive oil determined. This parameter is measured by degrees, one percent is a degree and bears no direct relationship with the sensory characteristics of the sample, so does not refer to acids and does not correspond to flavors taste more or less intense, as erroneously associated .

And here I add. While being allowed to have an extra virgin between 0 and 0.8 °, as producers argue that up to 0.4 to 0.5 ° is an extra virgin olive oil of high quality (depends on the temperature, varietal, rainfall …). From 0.5 or 0.6 ° the olive might be damaged or the process has not been the ideal.

Cata en Shopa, Bilbao

There you have it!


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