EVOO tasting courses

The tasting courses for this coming October, for experts and for those who want to begin to learn.

  • Sensory Analysis Course and Advanced Sommelier Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Days: 4,5 and 6 October
    A Course divided into three modules over three days (morning and evening, 18 hours, 4, 5 and 6 October) for training and Specialist Sommelier extra virgin olive oil. No previous knowledge required.
    Audiovisual Support / Material prepared by the European School of tasting / tasting 40 types of oils /

    All information at: http://www.escuelaeuropeadecata.com/cursosumillerdeaceitedeoliva.html

    copa de cata oficial
  • Course Introduction to Oil Tasting
  • October 27, Saturday in Madrid. From 11 to 14 hours.

    A different concept of oil tasting. A visual, olfactory and taste to discover the characteristics of extra virgin olive oil. Course led by Sea Moon, Director of the European School of Taste and Oleocultura.

    Venue: European School of Taste and Oleocultura. C / San Vicente Ferrer, 51. 2nd A-28015 Madrid, Spain

    A professional course Introduction to oil tasting which aims to learn and have fun. Rigorous training and content and active student participation.
    Information and reservations:
    Telephone: 666 3000 39 or email: escuela@escuelaeuropeadecata.com


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