Our part at The Beyond the Extra Virgin

On July 9th we have had participated in a panel discussion at the conference Beyond the Extra Virgin, held in Cordoba. Very interesting talks for the entire industry, not only for producers.

We exposed our experience. Now we want to share it with you.

Venanci a  Beyond the Extra Virgin
Venanci a Beyond the Extra Virgin

Roundtable notes

We are farmers for familiar tradition, producers for conviction and passionate of the olive oil.

Our project and our ambition is the production of oil of estate, author’s olive oil d’autor, with its own identity and capable of thrilling..

Our point of view is that it is indispensable a narrow connetion between the estates and the industrial facilities.

Clear commitment to quality:

  • The fields: type of planting, pruning, irrigation … Perform tasks on the farm when its needed, not when I can..
  • On the mill: Stric control of temperatures, time of batter, decantation, cleanliness and quality of machinery.
  • In the production: Quick production depending on the needs of every party (time of batter, temperatures, time of decantation)
    • Separation for characteristics of oil. Ripeness / variety., etc.
    • Decantation. Not centrifuge either filtered. To combine time of wait and gravity.
    • Coupage. Combinations and coupages depending on the needs of the client (vertical and horizontal combination))
    • bottleling. Just bottleling upon demand.

    Production without residues generation in coherence with the philosophy of the company sustainability and efficiency.
    Summing up:
    Leaf +Pomace = Organic Fertilizer.
    Dirty oil = soap

    Organic Prodduction as factor of quality and of sustainability and NOT as generator of subsidies.

    Recovery of autochthonous varieties. Less productive, but very adapted and very interesting organolepticaly to complement the arbequina.

    Philosophy of our project

    As farmers we consider ourselves as managers and resposables of territory apart from food producers, therefore we treat with respect our enviroment realizing works of reconstruction in dry stone of margins and farmhouses. Then it comes to a value for our visitors when we show the estates as well as connecting with other economic activities as the tourism.

    Systems of work and compilation orientated to giving tipicidad to the oil, depending on the oil that we want to do and that the client ask us. Irregular days of work generated during harvest-time.

    We collaborate with institutions, universities and social movements for investigation and diffusion of the use and the production of quality extra virgin olive oil.

    mesa redonda Beyond the Extra Virgin
    mesa redonda Beyond the Extra Virgin


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