Bienvenido, Mister Marshall

Actually, we seem to be doing a small “revival” in this movie already so famous and legendary.

vienen a España
guapos y sanos,
viva el tronío
de ese gran pueblo
con poderío,
olé Virginia,
y Michigan,
y viva Texas, que no está mal,
os recibimos
americanos con alegría,
olé mi madre,
olé mi suegra y
olé mi tía.

These warm days, dry and yet fascinating, it seems that the only ones who dare to come to know and visit the olive groves of deep Lleida are these students of The Culinary Institute of New York, that promotion after promotion come our mill to learn how to grown, how to produced, how is developed and how to taste an extra virgin olive oil.


and again, we have been surprised with ingenious, deep and “committed” questions


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