New: Olicatessen in a can 0,250L

In order to complete the collection of cans now we have also the can of Olicatessen of 0,250L. Ideal for your kitchen, to take out for a weekend and to carry our bags. We love the can! A part than it is so pretty, is of the best ways we have to keep the oil.

Shaking up the cooking

A new family of Olicatessen& arrives for Christmas! From November the 3rd you can surprise, enjoy and play with this new oils. Garlic, Mandarin and Savory and Lemon and Ginger. A delicious explosion of aromas and flavor shaking up our kitchen. A full range collection! Olicatessen& Garlic Garlic is an essential ingredient in the Mediterranean […]

Olicatessen at Alimentaria

Time is approaching and this year we are exhibiting at Alimentaria (Barcelona) again where and I will present new products AS: Olicatessen&: organic extra virgin olive oil with Mediterranean herbs oil essence and the new Gift Boxes . Of course, we will have the new harvest olive oil that will be pleased to let you […]

Olicatessen in Gourmets Madrid 2013

This year’s Molí dels Torms again participate in the Salon de Gourmets in Madrid. New harvest olive oil will be presented as well as other news, such as Olicatessen &. We will be at Hall 4, booth 4D08. As a new stand is shared with Golden Can Bech and Crit d’Or. Good accessories for our […]