Gazpacho’ Bonbons with Olicatessen& Basil
ingredients • 1 kilo of ripe tomatoes • 1 green pepper (about 60 grams) • 1 cucumber (about 200 grams) • 1 onion piece (about 100 grams) • 1 clove of garlic • 3 tablespoons Olicatessen organic extra virgin olive oil • White wine vinegar (amount to taste, 2-3 tablespoons) • 1 teaspoon salt rasa […]
Olicatessen at “Cocina con Sergio” on TV1

The cook Sergio Fernández in La Mañana de la 1, on Saturdays at 1 pm and Sundays at 12 pm realices its program “Cocina con Sergio”. In this chapter Olicatessen products have been showed for its originality, flavor and innovation. Have a look at mitute 23! ;0) Cocina con Sergio – Solomillo asado con espuma […]
Olicatessen muffins
Gloria Cladelles from Crit d’ Or send us recipe for muffins. She loves them and ARE LOVING THEM! INGREDIENTS 2 whole eggs 200g sugar 200g ml. Olicatessen organic extra virgin olive oil, of course 200 ml. milk A few drops of essence of lemon (or lemon zest). 280g flour 25gr baking powder Put these […]
Do you have leftover vegetables?Let’s use them!
We can make some vegetables, but I suggest that if you leftover vegetables the previous day and we want to give a good start and different, let’s make a cold salad. Just add some lettuce to vegetables we have. And prepare a good dressing. Chop a few almonds and put it in a bowl, add […]
Silver Medal for Olicatessen at BIOL
On March, BIOL interantional Prize awarded Olicatessen with Silver Medal for its organic Extra virgin Olive Oil. Since 1985, The BIOL PRIZE is a competition dedicated to the best extra virgin organic olive oils from around the world. It is under the patronage of IFOAM and the ministry for agricultural policies, and it takes place […]
Carrot salad with Olicatessen
A very simple salad to make, lovely and “fancy”. Thoroughly clean the carrots, grate with grater and put directly into the bowl. Pull a few drops of lemon juice to prevent oxidation of the carrot. Cut some cherry chips (also taste great with figs either prunes) and add the carrot above. Then sprinkle some poppy […]