Olive grower’s word: ALJUB


The word aljub comes from the Arabic and means well.

It is a shallow cistern, cut into the rock and lined with stones. On the outside we find it covered with a vault. The dry stone technique was used for its construction and its function is to collect and store rainwater.

The aljubs have their own channeling system cut into the rock that directs all possible water inside. Every drop counts!

Farmers built them on their farms and secured the scarcest resource in our region: water. This water was essential to water the animals, which were the driving force behind the work of the land.


Just as the wells are deeper and collect underground water, the aljubs are more superficial and only collect the rain. Their construction was an evolution of the ponds, since they improve the quality of the water, reduce evaporation and prevent the entry of animals, with the risk of pollution that this represents.

A small quicklime rock was placed inside to help keep the water in the best conditions.

With a bit of luck, we can still find some aljubs and we keep one on our farms. We believe in the conservation of all the architectural heritage, culture and craftsmanship that surrounds it. Authentic works of art!


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