(F&B)Let’s talk a little about Olicatessen, Moli dels Torms. What is your origin?
(ER) Molí dels Torms is the dream come truth of two “olive growers” families that after the eight generation, in 2005, they decide to build up their own project with the idea of offering all the accumulated know how by producing and extraordinary quality Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil recognized by its organoleptic value as result of the respect to the environment and to those who are going to enjoy it.
Accumulating more than 50 awards for product quality we produce and we are very proud of all of them, but if we make special mention emphasize:
– 1st Prize in 2008 for the Tastum must Catalonian innovative company in the food business – Generalitat of Catalonia. (Because of the Process and innovation)
– Best organic extra virgin olive oil of Spain, 2010-2011 campaign, “Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil” for the Agricultural Ministry of Spain (Because of the quality of our Product)
– Awarded Prize at the III contest in memoriam Augusti Serés, 2012 (Because our territory commitment)
(F&B) You’ve decided to go fully organic in your production. How is it working out?
(ER) Our fields are organic certified years before starting with Olicatessen Project. Nearly 20 years ago we certified our fields.
Organic agriculture is a matter of consequent concept and territory responsibility. We aim to make a very high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, not only for the flavor and palate as well for health and nutrition values. And of course, we are willing to keep our landscape and territory for next generations in healthy conditions.
(F&B) That has enabled you to operate abroad. Where do you export to now and are you planning to enter any other countries?
Organic products are positively considerate abroad our borders. It is a plus of quality, together with organoleptically test, of course.
Actually, we are exporting at Canada, Japan and Taiwan and in most of the countries within Europe. Northern countries are the one that better value our products.
(F&B)What do you think the key to internationalisation is? R&D and market research? New formats? Risk taking?
(ER) The seriousness in all respects. In a production level should offer a great product with little or no margin for error; comply with deadlines and be very agile and flexible. In the commercial level, should be given unconditional support to the customer, offering new references constantly bring innovation in products and packaging; offer a fair price considering the quality; response in times of crisis should be delicious!
And of course, be open to criticism (always a source of inspiration to improve).
Export pose a threat, indeed. But the greatest risk is to stay at home, rarely anyone comes to get you home.
Internationalization forces yourself to be very strict with the product and production processes. Constantly learn ways to work different because of culture, to customs, by law, etc. and not always it is easy.
Interview done by PRODECA (http://www.prodeca.cat/noticies_detall.php?idNoticia=320#.WBsc04WcEhQ)