These days of confinement, has given for many things, but since we do not have the same physical activity, we have had to adapt the diet a little. Basically not to roll out, but continue to have a balanced diet.
Some of the “news” we have tried have been a complete success at home. So we share some of the most successful recipes and add them to our “monthly menu”.
Timbale of white beans, marinated tomato, tuna and zucchini noodles
The white bean, we can cook it at home or it can also be one of these canned. There are frankly good ones. We do them here, but some friends have already told us that the other one is also left to lick their fingers. So we leave this point open.
Another aspect that we love about this dish is that it can be served cold (salad type) or hot or warm.
1 marinated tomato It is the first thing we have to do, because we have to let it marinate for a long time. Minimum 2 hours, ideal about 12.
Peel the tomato and cut it into cubes. We reserve it in a glass bowl or tupper and season it with Olicatessen & rosemary (it is a condiment based on organic extra virgin olive oil with rosemary essential oil). And reserve, preferably in the fridge. Salt just before serving.
2 White beans. Make a small sauce of onion and red pepper. Once it is done, we add the white beans, and let it infuse for a few minutes.
3 Tuna. Drain the tuna well. 2 garlic cloves are chopped very small (to taste), and we mix it with the tuna while we crumble it. We reserve.
4 zucchini noodles. We clean and peel (zest – potatoes) the zucchini. With the potato peeler, we make the noodles trying to be the entire length. Come on, don’t break. Once we have them all, we boiled them for a minute and a half. So they are al “dente”.
Now it’s time to mount the timpani.
Remember that it can be cold or hot. I recommend that either all cold or all hot. And I suggest using a round mold and layering.
Option 1. Zucchini noodles + white beans + tuna + marinated tomato
Option 2- white beans + tuna + marinated tomato + zucchini noodles.

Bon apetit!