Welcome winter!


The arrival of winter and the drop in temperatures affect the pace of the field

The arrival of winter and the drop in temperatures affect the pace of the field.

The days get shorter and the temperatures drop considerably and the sun goes down. The olive tree enters a state of vegetative rest.

The olive tree slows down the rate of nutrient absorption, has very little physiological activity and slows down its activity to a minimum.


It is a month when, after harvest, the tree rests. And we leave them alone.

In agriculture, especially if it is ecological and respectful, the rhythms of the seasons and the climate that affects the natural activity must be maintained.


At olicatessen we respect these rhythms that nature sets for us, we believe that it is the best way to receive healthy fruits and that they bring us the flavors and aromas of what has happened during the year on the farms.

Every year different, sincere.

olivera desembre


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