Palms of olive Olicatessen

On a sheet of puff pastry rectangle widespread with Arbequina olive paté Olicatessen. Wrap a corner to half. The other side do the same until they come together. Wet slightly to sticking together. Cut into slices about a finger and you put on paper in a tray to go in the oven. Flatten them slightly […]

Olicatessen muffins

Gloria Cladelles from Crit d’ Or send us recipe for muffins. She loves them and ARE LOVING THEM! INGREDIENTS 2 whole eggs 200g sugar 200g ml. Olicatessen organic extra virgin olive oil, of course  200 ml. milk A few drops of essence of lemon (or lemon zest). 280g flour 25gr baking powder Put these […]

Do you have leftover vegetables?Let’s use them!

We can make some vegetables, but I suggest that if you leftover vegetables the previous day and we want to give a good start and different, let’s make a cold salad. Just add some lettuce to vegetables we have. And prepare a good dressing. Chop a few almonds and put it in a bowl, add […]

Carrot salad with Olicatessen

A very simple salad to make, lovely and “fancy”. Thoroughly clean the carrots, grate with grater and put directly into the bowl. Pull a few drops of lemon juice to prevent oxidation of the carrot. Cut some cherry chips (also taste great with figs either prunes) and add the carrot above. Then sprinkle some poppy […]

flavored salad from Els Torms and Cecina de León

Put in a bowl an avocado, peeled and cut into slices. Putting a few drops of lemon or avocado to prevent rust. On top, place the lettuce (lettuce and lettuce oak country) clean and well cut. Add tomatoes, strawberries and diced cheese. Cut into strips rather jerky finite. Once served on the plate escatas dress […]

Cheese and rosemary

To use a cheese as an appetizer, entree or dessert, we leave an easy idea and scrumptious! Olicatessen& Rosemary aromatizes cheeses in a sublime, tasty and delicious.